things you don't talk about at the dinner table (poetry zine)
I Wish You a Good Day (prose and poetry zine)
Pinoy Reimagined (short stories)
growing pains (poetry zine)
Akean Tales Volume I
Liwanag: Mga Bagong Alamat
Silent Nights and Happy Ever Afters
If I Wake Up Here Again
When I Speak of Home
Bru Love: A Fair
Philippines Graphics Reader

As a chaotic good INFJ, Pauline Navarro feels emotions too deeply. While she often yaps with her sisters to release these feelings, her default mode of expression is through her writing. As such, she pursues passion projects outside work, namely, writing essays, poems, and short stories (pollenpiggycreates.carrd.co), composing songs and filming videos. As a storyteller on multiple platforms, Pauline also creates multimedia content through her YouTube channel (pollenpiggy) and hosts a podcast (“When Pigs Fly”) on Spotify. You can find her at @pollenpiggycreates.
You can also read my other written works here: